ARTE, eventi. AWARE: i candidati al Nouveau Regard 2025

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Sin dalla loro creazione nel 2016, i premi AWARE (Archives of Women Artists Research & Exhibitions) hanno svolto un fondamentale ruolo nella promozione e nella garanzia di un riconoscimento alle donne nel mondo dell’arte contemporanea. Questa iniziativa è divenuta nel tempo un importante vettore di visibilità per le artiste, poiché ha consentito loro di partecipare a mostre e ricevere riconoscimenti importanti. In occasione della nona edizione di AWARE, nel 2025 verranno attribuiti due premi: il Premio Nouveau Regard, che onorerà un’artista a metà della propria carriera, e il Premio Outstanding Merit, conferito a un’artista con oltre quaranta anni di esperienza professionale. Le quattro candidate al Prix Nouveau Regard saranno Eva & Adele, Gabrielle Manglou, Kristina Solomoukha e Ti’iwan Couchili. La giuria verrà presieduta da Béatrice Salmon (direttrice del Centre national des arts plastiques, CNAP) e composta da Camille Morineau (co-fondatrice e direttrice esecutiva di AWARE), Esther Ferrer (artista, vincitrice dell’AWARE Outstanding Merit Prize nel 2016), Sandra Patron (direttrice del CAPC, musée d’art contemporain de Bordeaux), Lourdes Mendez Perez (antropologa femminista, Universidad del País Vasco), Gaëtane Verna (direttrice esecutiva, Wexner Center for the Arts, Columbus, Ohio) e Chu’o’ng-Đài Võ (curatrice e ricercatrice).


Since their creation in 2016, the AWARE prizes have played a vital role in promoting and ensuring recognition for women artists within the contemporary art world. This initiative has become a significant vector of visibility for the artists, enabling them to participate in exhibitions and receive notable prizes across the contemporary art scene. For the 9th edition of the AWARE prizes in 2025, two prizes will be attributed: the Nouveau Regard prize, honouring a mid-career artist, and the Outstanding Merit prize, awarded to an artist with over 40 years of career experience. This year, the four nominees for the Prix Nouveau Regard are EVA & ADELE, Gabrielle Manglou, Kristina Solomoukha and Ti’iwan Couchili. The jury will be chaired in 2025 by Béatrice Salmon (director of the Cnap, Centre national des arts plastiques) and composed of: Camille Morineau (co-founder and Executive director at AWARE), Esther Ferrer (artist, winner of the AWARE Outstanding Merit Prize in 2016), Sandra Patron (director of the Capc, musée d’art contemporain de Bordeaux), Lourdes Mendez Perez (feminist anthropologist, Universidad del País Vasco), Gaëtane Verna (Executive Director, Wexner Center for the Arts, Colombus, Ohio) and Chu’o’ng-Đài Võ (curator and researcher).

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The winner of the Nouveau Regard prize benefits from a residency organised in partnership with the Villa Albertine, a French cultural institution in the United States that hosts 60 residencies throughout the United States each year, and the A.I.R. Gallery in New York. The A.I.R. Gallery, a historic feminist venue that dedicated an exhibition to French women artists curated by Aline Dallier in 1976, will accompany the laureate throughout her stay in the United States by organising visits and meetings with curators, art critics, curators, gallery owners and journalists. Once the artist returns to France, AWARE will contact French art centres to co-produce a personal exhibition of the artist’s work in France. As part of its partnership with AWARE, the Cnap (Centre national des arts plastiques) will acquire works from the winner of the Nouveau Regard prize for their collection. The winner of the Outstanding Merit prize 2024 will receive a €10,000 grant. In partnership with Manuella Éditions, AWARE will publish a book- length interview with the artist, documenting her contribution to the history of art of the twentieth century and allowing her to reflect on her career in her own words. The winners of the AWARE prizes (Prix Nouveau Regard and Prix d’Honneur) will be announced in March 2025 at the Ministry of Culture.


Coming out of the future. Eva: Height 176, Chest size 101, Waist size 81, Hip size 96; Adele.: Height 161, Chest size 86, Waist size 68, Hip size 96. Wherever we are is museum. Eva & Adele live and work in Berlin.


Gabrielle Manglou born in 1971 in La Réunion, Gabrielle Manglou currently lives and works in Locmiquélic, Morbihan. Her work is poetic and multifaceted. Drawings, photographs, sculptures, and archival images playfully blur boundaries in a process that is both discordant and harmonious. Her work explores the realm of human relationships, where power, nature, culture, and otherness find a balance. A carefully crafted spontaneity, as if orchestrated by an infectious pleasure, paces a journey between what we see and what we feel. The unconscious crackles in small bursts, attuning itself to a sharp, incisive joy. This dialogue is constructed with open milestones. It invites the viewer to take ownership of their own narrative, highlighting the unique connection they shape with the work that flows through them.

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Kristina Solomoukha born in 1971 in Kyiv, Ukraine, Kristina Solomoukha studied at the Kyiv School of Industrial Art before graduating from the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris in 1995. The artist explores themes related to architecture, urban space and collaborative practice. Her work has been shown in France at the Grand Palais, the Palais de Tokyo and the MAC VAL, as well as abroad at the CaixaForum in Barcelona, the Pinchuk Art Center in Kyiv, the Hide Park Art Center in Chicago and the Tate Modern in London. She has participated in the Lyon, Nantes and Bordeaux Biennials in France, as well as the Busan Biennial in Korea and the São Paulo Biennial in Brazil. Her work is included in the collections of FNAC, CNAP and numerous FRACs in France. She has carried out interventions in public spaces in Atlanta, USA and in Mokpo, Korea.


Ti’iwan Couchili. Ti’iwan belongs to the Teko people of Amazonia (sometimes referred to as Emérillons by Westerners). She was born in 1972 in the village of Saut Tampok on the Alawa (Tampok) River, about two hours by pirogue from its junction with the Maroni River. Her family lives in Kayodé, Elahé, and Camopi. Ti’iwan Couchili is an Indigenous artist from the Teko Nation of French Guiana. She now lives and works in the commune of Montsinéry.


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