2025.01.31 19:59 SlideForeign1578 He’s going to add more dates!
Hear me out, the dates announced so far are intentional. This is him testing the demand, which I’m sure will be high given the numbers he did for his last tour and the anticipation and reception so far on this album. Think about it, dates for LA are on Wednesday and Thursday? Only one date for Vegas and no Friday show? Toronto shows are on Sunday and Monday? I feel like the days that many of the shows fall on leave room to schedule more. We shall see.
Hope everyone is enjoying the album!
submitted by SlideForeign1578 to TheWeeknd [comments]
2025.01.31 19:03 DAMS2 Multa VTV Caba
Me clavaron una multa por circular con la VTV vencida por CABA.
El auto esta radicado en provincia. La mina de transito que me vacuno me dijo que si hacia la VTV en los próximos días, podia presentarme ante un “controlador de infracciones” o algo así (que me queda en CABA, siendo yo de zona sur del GBA). Pero no fue muy clara con la explicación. Tampoco se el monto de la multa porque se disponibilizq a las 72hs de ocurrida.
Vale la pena salir corriendo a hacer la VTV y despues perder horas de laburo para que el boludo/forro de turno vea si me quiere perdonar la multa? Que haría ArAutos? gracias
submitted by DAMS2 to ArAutos [comments]
2025.01.31 19:33 Confident-Tour-5164 Unpopular opinion: take a breath
This subreddit somehow popped into my feed and wanted to give a quick advice from someone who went through the whole app process in highschool, went to college, and doing pretty good for themself now that I’m 26 years old.
It doesn’t matter. It really doesn’t. Which college you go to doesn’t matter as much as you think it does.
I went to highschool in the Bay Area (around Cupertino), had a 3.0 GPA, took 2 APs, and no internships. If you’re from the Bay Area you know that this im literally the epitome of a failure to an Asian household.
I barely made it to a mid tier college,and now that I’m 26, let me tell you something.
Again, it doesn’t matter which college you go to. It matters that you just get your Bachelors and what your degree is. Once you graduate and you go in the work force, your coworkers will be graduates from all kinds of colleges. Ivy leagues, mid tier, low tier, colleges you’ve never heard of, it doesn’t matter. Sure there are those occasional instances where Ivy League graduates will go on to build startups, work at IB where mid tier graduates can’t get into, etc.
But for the most part, when you go to your first job your coworkers in the same cohort as you will be from all over.
I know you’re stressing about it right now, I was too, but when I look back and all my friends look back it really isn’t a huge deal. Apply to the colleges you want to go to and safeties and go where you can see yourself at out of the ones that accept you.
I went to Santa Clara University and make 175k now (no I’m not a doctor, software engineer, or a lawyer) and I make more than my buddy that went to Harvard and Berkeley and MIT. It’s all the same at the end of the day. Just get your bachelors in something that interests you, make the most out of your time in college (social life and academics and BUILDING GOOD CONNECTIONS), and just take a breath, everything will work out.
Tldr life doesn’t end if you don’t get into an Ivy League or a UC
submitted by Confident-Tour-5164 to ApplyingIvyLeague [comments]
2025.01.31 19:11 Pyroshark_Gamingtf2 Little girl and the walking killing machine on legs she is friend with
2025.01.31 19:00 HighlightMysterious6 Anybody know what I can do?
I bought my Kobo Clara HD in 2021, and this morning when I wanted to read, I encountered this screen. This has never happened before, and I’m not sure what caused it. I’ve tried several troubleshooting tips I found here, such as pressing the power button for 4 seconds, releasing it, and then holding it for 30 seconds, but none have worked so far. I also tried charging it, connecting it to my computer, and performing a reset, but there’s still no response. Has anyone experienced this before or have any other suggestions? submitted by HighlightMysterious6 to kobo [comments] |
2025.01.31 19:34 CowBoyOeste Como melhorar o meu português?
Estou tentando buscar uma resposta faz um longo tempo, mas não acho em lugar algum. Quero melhorar meu português de tal forma que não precise me preocupar se falta uma vírgula, ponto ou qualquer pontuação gramatical. Meu objetivo é simples, melhorar minha forma de escrever, ser objetivo nos meus textos e transmitir claramente os meus pensamentos. Tentei escrever alguns livros, mas recebi algumas críticas que não entendo por falta de conhecimento prévio! Erros básicos de concordância verbal e construção de palavras foram citados diversas vezes.
Procurei na internet algum curso que me ajude, mas todos que encontrei são focados em concursos e vestibulares. Não quero aprender uma imensa teoria de disciplinas, apenas pretendo escrever bem sem estar com medo de estar ruim e cacofônico(outra coisa que enfatizaram). Pretendo escrever livros no futuro, mas não sei com usar um adjetivo corretamente, e muitas vezes não sei identificar. Suponho que a única forma de chegar no nível que quero é me alfabetizar de novo, seguindo todo o cronograma.
Acho que expressei de maneira clara neste texto minha ideia central. Alguém tem um curso que possa me ajudar?
Sei que leitura é um requisito indispensável, e ler para mim é algo que gosto e faço com o maior prazer.
submitted by CowBoyOeste to concursospublicos [comments]
2025.01.31 19:33 Alexis100chaises Le Monde – Le combat de Clara Achour contre la justice française : « La violence lors des procédures a été pire que celle du viol »
2025.01.31 19:00 josylad Hiring: Cloud Technical Writer Intern (IaC) at Intel Corporation
Location: Santa clara, United States of America
Job Description Embark with us on a journey of growth and transformation as we create exceptionally engineered technology and bring AI everywhere. As a valued team member, your adaptability and attention to detail will contribute to our drive for results and relentless pursuit of quality, ensuring we meet our customers’ needs with precision. The Intel Tiber AI Cloud offers developers a cutting-edge platform to build, test, and deploy applications utilizing Intel’s industry-leading technologies. The cloud infrastructure supports a wide array of tools and frameworks to accelerate innovation and streamline workflows. We are seeking a highly motivated and detail-oriented Summer Intern as a Cloud Technical Writer to focus on creating and enhancing documentation for our Infrastructure as Code (IaC) systems. This role will provide hands-on experience in documenting complex cloud infrastructure proce
Learn More and Apply:
submitted by josylad to RedditJobBoard [comments]
2025.01.31 19:37 Pollomonteros Literary Atlases by Region ?
A time ago I came across the wonderful Atlas de Literatura Latinoamericana (Atlas of Latinoamerican Literature) by Clara Obligado, for those that don’t read Spanish, it basically is a literary atlas of several Latinoamerican literary works deemed important to know by the curators,based on each Latinoamerican country. The curators went through the effort of (mostly) trying to showcase works by less known writers of each of the countries, so no Borges or Garcia Marquez for example.
My request is simple, something like this but for other regions of the world. So maybe a literary African Atlas, or a Caribbean one, maybe a European one if they make the effort of including works by less known writers. Anything is fair game as long as it is a book.
Thanks in advance !
submitted by Pollomonteros to suggestmeabook [comments]
2025.01.31 19:12 JayMeTor The weekend out
submitted by JayMeTor to osheaga [comments]
2025.01.31 19:02 PlatinumPerson_ The Black Belt spreads the divine Moorish truth to all the Afro-Americas
2025.01.31 20:00 josylad Hiring: Cloud Technical Writer Intern (IaC) at Intel Corporation
Location: Santa clara, United States of America
Job Description Embark with us on a journey of growth and transformation as we create exceptionally engineered technology and bring AI everywhere. As a valued team member, your adaptability and attention to detail will contribute to our drive for results and relentless pursuit of quality, ensuring we meet our customers’ needs with precision. The Intel Tiber AI Cloud offers developers a cutting-edge platform to build, test, and deploy applications utilizing Intel’s industry-leading technologies. The cloud infrastructure supports a wide array of tools and frameworks to accelerate innovation and streamline workflows. We are seeking a highly motivated and detail-oriented Summer Intern as a Cloud Technical Writer to focus on creating and enhancing documentation for our Infrastructure as Code (IaC) systems. This role will provide hands-on experience in documenting complex cloud infrastructure proce
Learn More and Apply:
submitted by josylad to RedditJobBoard [comments]
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