Le opportunità turistiche dell’Uzbekistan: storia, cultura e sviluppo.

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L’Uzbekistan, situato al centro dell’antica Via della Seta, rappresenta una delle mete turistiche più affascinanti e ricche di patrimonio culturale nel mondo. Il settore turistico in Uzbekistan non è solo un’opportunità per esplorare le sue meraviglie storiche e naturali, ma svolge anche un ruolo cruciale nello sviluppo economico e culturale del Paese.

I gioielli storici dell’Uzbekistan: Samarcanda, Bukhara e Khiva.

Tra le mete più visitate troviamo Samarcanda, che ospita monumenti riconosciuti dall’UNESCO, come il magnifico Registan, un complesso di madrase tra i più spettacolari al mondo. La città, con il suo fascino millenario, attira milioni di visitatori ogni anno. Altri luoghi di interesse includono il Museo di Mirzo Ulugbek e il Complesso Hazrat Khizr.

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Bukhara, invece, è celebre per la sua antica Fortezza dell’Ark, risalente a più di mille anni fa. Monumenti come il Labihovuz Ensemble e la madrasa Ko’kaldosh offrono uno sguardo autentico alla cultura e alla storia della regione.

Khiva, con il suo straordinario sito di Ichan-Qala, patrimonio mondiale dell’UNESCO, trasporta i visitatori in un’epoca di caravanserragli e mercati lungo la Via della Seta.

Il potenziale ecologico e naturale.

Oltre ai suoi tesori storici, l’Uzbekistan offre opportunità per il turismo ecologico e montano. Le riserve naturali, come la Biosfera Chotkal, offrono scenari mozzafiato e spazi perfetti per il turismo sostenibile.

Sviluppo e promozione del settore turistico.

Il governo uzbeko riconosce il turismo come uno dei settori chiave per lo sviluppo economico. Iniziative come l’assegnazione di 1 trilione di soum per il miglioramento delle infrastrutture turistiche, l’introduzione di biglietti agevolati per i visitatori e il potenziamento del trasporto pubblico testimoniano l’impegno per rendere l’Uzbekistan una meta accogliente.

La formazione di personale qualificato nel settore turistico e lo sviluppo di strategie di marketing mirate sono altrettanto essenziali. È importante non limitarsi alle destinazioni più famose come Samarcanda, Bukhara e Khiva, ma valorizzare anche i luoghi meno conosciuti, spesso ricchi di storia e cultura.

Sfide e impatti della pandemia.


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La pandemia di COVID-19 ha avuto un forte impatto sul turismo in Uzbekistan, con restrizioni ai viaggi che hanno paralizzato il settore. Tuttavia, il Paese ha intrapreso misure per la ripresa, come sconti sui biglietti e il miglioramento delle strutture ricettive. L’industria si è anche adattata a una maggiore enfasi sul turismo interno e sulle pratiche ecologiche.

Cooperazione internazionale.

L’Uzbekistan sta rafforzando i legami culturali e storici con i membri dell’Organizzazione per la Cooperazione di Shanghai e altre realtà internazionali, organizzando mostre e promuovendo il turismo attraverso eventi globali.


Il turismo in Uzbekistan non è solo un’opportunità per scoprire un Paese ricco di cultura e storia, ma anche un motore per lo sviluppo economico e sociale. Con un piano strategico per la promozione del turismo, l’Uzbekistan si posiziona come una meta imperdibile per viaggiatori di tutto il mondo.


  1. Karimov I. “Heritage of the Silk Road: history and tourism”. Samarcanda, 2020.
  2. Safarov N. “Tourism in Uzbekistan: Development prospects and problems”. Tashkent, 2021.


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Tourism opportunities of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Alimova Gozal Alim’s daughter was born on March 6, 2005 in Kukdala district of Kashkadarya region. He went to school in 2012. He graduated in 2023 and on September 4, 2023, he became a student of the Geography and Economic Foundations of Education at the Shahrisabz State Pedagogical Institute. Today he is a 2nd year student.

Annotation: The article covers the tourism potential of the Republic of Uzbekistan, its role in economic and cultural development. It focuses on the monuments included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in Samarkand, Bukhara, Khiva and other cities, developing cooperation and strengthening the national tourism brand. In addition, issues of transportation systems, hotel services, the impact of the pandemic on the potential of tourism, natural resources, opportunities for ecological and mountain tourism are also discussed. will be considered.

Key words: Tourism economy, natural tourism, historical cities, Samarkand, Bukhara, Khiva, national tourism, pandemic.

Currently, the tourism sector is becoming one of the leading sectors of the economy. The development of the tourism sector is also important for the development of several sectors. For example, it contributes to the further development and growth of the livelihood and economy of the people of Uzbekistan. there are a number of historical places, some of them are included in the list of UNESCO, and I will give information about some of them now. For example, the place of Samarkand included in the UNESCO list is Registan. For several years, this place has attracted not only local people, but also tourists from all over the world. It is not for nothing that this square is called the most magnificent square in the world. Ulug’bek, Sherdor and Tillakori madrasas have risen in Registan. Anyone who comes to this square will not want to leave, millions of visitors can be seen inside the square. It is recognized as the first Muslim mosque and architectural monument in Samarkand. Hazrat Khizr Complex, Mirzo Ulugbek Museum, Musical Drama Theater and other places can be seen and visited. Therefore, during the season, more than 20,000 people visit it. The oldest and most famous places of Bukhara, the Ark Castle is the most is a monument of ancient historical architecture. This castle was the residence of the rulers of a large country with farming culture one and a half thousand years ago. You can see a number of places of pilgrimage, such as Khossa, Labihovuz ensemble, Ko’kaldosh madrasa, Yetti pir pilgrimage site. Among the famous places of Khiva, which are included in the UNESCO list, Ichan-Qala, Samarkand-Crossroads of Cultures, Chotkal Biosphere are a world heritage site. in the list.

I am in favor of further development of the tourism sector, because the development of tourism leads to the development of the economy, the opening of new jobs, the elimination of unemployment problems, the development of trade, the development of the transport infrastructure and information supply sector, and many others. Therefore, the tourism sector special attention is paid to the development of tourism. For this reason, the task of developing a new program for bringing the tourism potential to a new level in Tashkent region has been set, and a number of professors, scientists, and researchers of tourism exports. As an additional support to this, personnel are being trained in the field of tourism in special professional higher education institutions for tourism. It is necessary to increase the number of personnel, because currently only the most prominent places tourists are visiting. We should not be limited only to places like Samarkand, Khiva, Bukhara, because there are ancient but hidden places in other regions. As a great example of our opportunities to do new work, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on April 2, 2021, within the framework of the decision PQ-5048, established tourism infrastructure for us 1 trillion soums have been allocated from the budget of the Republic for the improvement, beautification of cultural heritage and tourism objects and, of course, for creating comfortable conditions, which is a convenient opportunity for us. Currently, tourism has become popular in many countries of the world, so we must act In addition, it is necessary to further strengthen the cooperation. It is also necessary to further develop the historical, cultural and humanitarian relations of the member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. In addition, there are some problems in the field of tourism. as the main problems in the field, I can mention insufficiently developed marketing strategies, insufficient use of ecological tourism opportunities, and insufficient perfection of some infrastructure projects. Therefore, it is necessary to organize international exhibitions and strengthen the national tourism brand. 7 million tourists visiting the Republic of Uzbekistan visit for various purposes, therefore, it is necessary to improve their service services, provide them with a transport system so that tourists can have a pleasant vacation, travel to the historical cities of our country, and introduce preferential tickets for them. , and of course Andijan, Samarkand, Bukhara, Urganch, Termiz, Karshi, Nukus, Khiva and of course the railway If modern hotels, waiting and high-level service halls, prayer rooms, libraries, as well as various shops are organized at the railway stations, a lot of cars should be purchased to serve them. Because every passenger wants to travel in modern wagons and cars. Tourists want modern motor vehicles to be ready based on orders before they arrive in Tashkent, so these things should be done as soon as possible. If the service is provided at a high level, the number of tourists coming to Uzbekistan will be 10 million. It is expected to exceed 100,000 people.

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The article also mentions the pandemic, that is, a lot of attention was paid to economic recovery in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic. Because during the pandemic, restrictions were placed on almost everything. restricted travel. This will bring international and domestic tourism to a near standstill. After the closure, flights will be canceled which will make it more difficult to travel. Small businesses that depend on the tourism industry will suffer a lot after this, along with other industries. Therefore, to attract tourists, 30% discounts on tickets were provided, to create comfortable conditions for them and to restore the damage. Because during the pandemic, countries engaged in tourism suffered. Efforts will be made to restore these damages. COVID-19 has also dealt another blow to the industry. For example, in Japan, with the closure of the borders, the favorite places of tourists have been deserted. The country is effectively fighting the coronavirus, but the impact of the pandemic on the economy has been strong. The Olympic Games, which were supposed to be held, will also be postponed, which will cost the organizers of the game a few dollars, that is, they will suffer losses. there are also beneficial aspects, for example, ecologically, as a result of the reduction of tourism, nature begins to recover, air pollution decreases, sea beaches and natural parks become much cleaner.

List of used literature.

1. Karimov I. “Heritage of the Silk Road: history and tourism”. Samarkand, 2020.

2. Safarov N. “Tourism in Uzbekistan: Development prospects and problems”. Tashkent, 2021.

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