Presentazione del poeta scrittore dottor Bismillah Sharifi – Alessandria Today Italia News Media

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Foto cortesia del dott. Bismillah Sharifi

Introduzione al poeta / Bismillah Sharif Il dott. Bismillah Sharifi, figlio di Hajj Muhammad Sharif, è nato il 9 Mizan/Mehr 1363 in Afghanistan.

Ha conseguito una laurea triennale in Sharia e Awiza ha conseguito un master presso il Dipartimento di diritto internazionale pubblico e ora detiene tre dottorati honoris causa, tra cui un dottorato honoris causa in poesia e scrittura dalla Texas International University/USA. ; Sta completando il dottorato.

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Per quasi dieci anni, è stato responsabile delle direzioni di informazione e cultura nelle province di: Baghlan, Ghor, Ghazni, Paktika, Sar-e-Pul e del giornale governativo Islah in Afghanistan, e ha l’onore di fondare e collaborare con le seguenti istituzioni.  :
Fondatore e amministratore delegato della rivista Caravan Bayan, fondatore e amministratore delegato del mensile Naday Pamir, fondatore e amministratore delegato del settimanale Aqab, caporedattore del settimanale Al-Ittihad, caporedattore del settimanale Tolu Ghor, fondatore e direttore della Fondazione culturale e sociale Roshan Zamir Mihan, fondatore della Biblioteca Ma’rifat a Baghlan, fondatore e amministratore delegato dell’Agenzia di stampa Aqab, fondatore del Centro culturale Afeghi a Kabul, fondatore e direttore del Sabzemanesh Technical and Vocational Education Institute, fondatore e direttore della Sabzemanesh Private School, caporedattore della rivista mensile Ayane Sarpol, fondatore e amministratore delegato del settimanale Sabzemanesh, fondatore dell’annuale (Tulip) Festival a Baghlan, fondatore e segretario esecutivo della Sabzemanesh Global Company, fondatore, progettista e organizzatore del World Festival of Sabzemanesh Poem…
Libri e scritti di Bassemullah Sharifi:
1- Atlas Dahr (raccolta di poesie indipendente), Summer  2008, editore: Roshan Zamir Mihan Cultural and Social Institute.

2- Secularism from the Perspective of Islam, autunno 2009, editore: Roshan Zamir Mehan Cultural and Social Foundation e Al-Azhar Publications.

3- Women’s Dowry and Mahr in Islam, autunno 2009, editore: Roshan Zamir Mehan Cultural and Social Foundation e Al-Azhar Publications.

4- Quranic Memoirs, primavera 2019, editore: Roshan Zamir Mehan Cultural and Social Organization;

5- Sharjawan Ghaznawi, volume 1, primavera 2012, editore: Department of Information and Culture of Ghazni Province;

6- Ghazni in the Mirror of Poetry, volume 1, primavera 2012, editore: Directorate of Information and Culture of Ghazni Province;

7- Poem of the Youth of Ghazni Volume 2, inverno 2012, editore: Department of Information and Culture of Ghazni Province;

8- Ghazna in the Mirror of Poetry Volume 2, inverno 2012, editore: Directorate of Information and Culture of Ghazni Province;

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9- Ghul Branches (una breve biografia di poeti contemporanei di Ghazni con esempi delle loro parole), inverno 2012, editore: Directorate of Information and Culture of Ghazni Province;

10- Field of Imagination (una breve biografia di scrittori contemporanei di storie di Ghazni con esempi dei loro detti), inverno 2013, editore: Directorate of Information and Culture of Ghazni Province;

11- Tajdar Sharq (raccolta di poesie indipendenti), inverno 2013, editore: Direzione dell’informazione e della cultura della provincia di Ghazni e Organizzazione culturale e sociale del popolo Roshan Zamir Mehan;

12- Breve introduzione ai siti e ai luoghi storici di Ghazni in quattro lingue (persiano, pashtu, arabo e inglese), inverno 2013, editore: Direzione dell’informazione e della cultura della provincia di Ghazni;

13- Shahrbolorin (Baghlan nello specchio della poesia), estate 2016, editore: Sabzmanish Literary Society e Roshan Zamir Mehan Cultural and Social Foundation;

14- Sabz Calendar (raccolta di poesie indipendenti), autunno 2017, editore: Sabzmanesh Educational, Pedagogical, Literary and Publishing Network;

15- Noor Novel (Biografia, Jihad, Mascolinità, Generosità e Carità di Hajj Mohammad Sharif (che Allah abbia pietà di lui); Editore: Rashidin and Sabzmanesh International Foundation;

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16- Protezione del patrimonio culturale nelle leggi afghane e nei documenti internazionali, Editore: Zarrin Mehr and Sabzmanesh International Foundation.

17- Sabzmanesh. Background, fondatori e obiettivi, Baath and Sabzmanesh Publishing House, 1400, Teheran;

18- Rileggiamo la simpatia (raccolta di poesie indipendenti), Zarrin Mehr and Sabzmanesh Publishing House, 1401, Teheran.

19- Houshang. Ebtehaji, che è diventato un’ombra, Nasredan Shiran and Sabzmanesh, 1401, Teheran;

20- Poesia. Ricetta ripetuta (una selezione indipendente di ghazal), pubblicata da Zarin Mehr  e Sabzmanesh, 1401, Teheran.

21- Ghazal Kostaran Sabzmanesh (Biografie ed esempi di poesie di cinquanta membri onorati della International Sabzmanesh Foundation), Volume 1, di: Dr. Bassem Allah Sharifi, 1402, editore: Zarin Mehr e Sabzmanesh, Teheran;

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22- Aftab Namreh (Canti e note di lutto del maestro di Ravan Shad Wasef Bakhtiri), 1402, editore: Zarin Mehr e Sabzmanesh, Teheran;

23- Volume 2 di Ghazal Kostaran Sabzmanesh, 1403 Teheran, editore: Navavaran Sharif e Sabzmanesh Research Publications;

24- Nosourayan Sabzmanesh (Biografie ed esempi di “nuova poesia” di sessanta membri onorati della International Sabzmanesh Foundation), 1403 Iran, editore: Sharif e Sabzmanesh Research House;

25- “Dubiti Kostaran Sabzmanesh” (Biografia ed esempi di “Dubiti” di sessanta membri onorati della International Sabzmanesh Foundation), 1403 Iran, editore: Sharif e Sabzmanesh Research Publications;

26- Biografia del Sabzmanesh Quartet e campioni di “Quarter” di sessanta membri con onore dalla International Sabzmanesh Foundation), 1403 Iran, Editore: Sharif e Sabzmanesh Research Publications;

27- Mashq Tadaseh (selezione di poesie indipendenti), 1403 Iran, Editore: Sharif e Sabzmanesh Research Publications.
Il signor Sharifi ha partecipato a importanti conferenze nazionali e internazionali e ha ricevuto più di 100 lettere di apprezzamento, distintivi, statue e scudi di apprezzamento da varie fonti. Gli autori (egiziani, afghani e iraniani) hanno curato e pubblicato i seguenti tre titoli di libri:
1- Dal libro “Ghazni nello specchio della poesia” alla biografia e ai successi del suo autore (Bismillah Sharifi), Autore: Dott. ssa Asmaa Amin Hassan Farahat, Professore del Dipartimento di lingua e letteratura persiana, Facoltà di studi islamici, Università di Al-Azhar, Egitto.  Traduttore: Dott. Sayed Ibrahim Hekmat (Presidente e Professore dell’Arya Private University);
2- (Biografia e Recensione delle Poesie di Bismillah Sharifi); Scritto dalla Professoressa Nadia (Roshangar Anvari), Sarat Publishing House e Sabzmanish International Foundation, 1400;
3- Un Mondo di Sforzi e… (Biografia

Introduction to the poet / Bismillah Sharif Dr. Bismillah Sharifi, son of Hajj Muhammad Sharif, was born on 9 Mizan/Mehr 1363 in Afghanistan.

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He obtained a bachelor’s degree in Sharia, and Awiza obtained a master’s degree from the Department of Public International Law and now holds three honorary doctorates, including an honorary doctorate in poetry and writing from Texas International University/USA. ; He is finishing his doctorate.

For nearly ten years, he has been responsible for the directorates of information and culture in the provinces of: Baghlan, Ghor, Ghazni, Paktika, Sar-e-Pul, and the government newspaper Islah in Afghanistan, and he has the honor of establishing and cooperating with the following institutions. :
Founder and managing director of Caravan Bayan magazine, founder and managing director of Naday Pamir monthly newspaper, founder and managing director of Aqab weekly newspaper, editor-in-chief of Al-Ittihad weekly newspaper, editor-in-chief of Tolu Ghor weekly newspaper, founder and head of Roshan Zamir Mihan Cultural and Social Foundation, founder of Ma’rifat Library in Baghlan, founder and managing director of Aqab News Agency, founder of Afeghi Cultural Center in Kabul, founder and head of Sabzemanesh Technical and Vocational Education Institute, founder and head of Sabzemanesh Private School, editor-in-chief of Ayane Sarpol monthly magazine, founder and managing director of Sabzemanesh weekly, founder of the annual (Tulip) Festival in Baghlan, founder and executive secretary of Sabzemanesh Global Company, founder, designer and organizer of the World Festival of Sabzemanesh Poem…
Books and writings by Bassemullah Sharifi:
1- Atlas Dahr (independent poetry collection), Summer 2008, publisher: Roshan Zamir Mihan Cultural and Social Institute.
2- Secularism from the Perspective of Islam, Fall 2009, Publisher: Roshan Zamir Mehan Cultural and Social Foundation and Al-Azhar Publications.

3- Women’s Dowry and Mahr in Islam, Fall 2009, Publisher: Roshan Zamir Mehan Cultural and Social Foundation and Al-Azhar Publications.

4- Quranic Memoirs, Spring 2019, Publisher: Roshan Zamir Mehan Cultural and Social Organization;

5- Sharjawan Ghaznawi, Volume 1, Spring 2012, Publisher: Department of Information and Culture of Ghazni Province;

6- Ghazni in the Mirror of Poetry, Volume 1, Spring 2012, Publisher: Directorate of Information and Culture of Ghazni Province;

7- Poem of the Youth of Ghazni Volume 2, Winter 2012, Publisher: Department of Information and Culture of Ghazni Province;

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8- Ghazna in the Mirror of Poetry Volume 2, Winter 2012, Publisher: Directorate of Information and Culture of Ghazni Province;
9- Ghul Branches (A brief biography of contemporary Ghazni poets with examples of their words), Winter 2012, Publisher: Directorate of Information and Culture of Ghazni Province;

10- Field of Imagination (A brief biography of contemporary Ghazni story writers with examples of their sayings), Winter 2013, Publisher: Directorate of Information and Culture of Ghazni Province;

11- Tajdar Sharq (Independent poetry collection), Winter 2013, Publisher: Directorate of Information and Culture of Ghazni Province and Cultural and Social Organization of Roshan Zamir Mehan People;

12- Brief introduction to historical sites and places in Ghazni in four languages ​​(Persian, Pashto, Arabic and English), Winter 2013, Publisher: Directorate of Information and Culture of Ghazni Province;

13- Shahrbolorin (Baghlan in the Mirror of Poetry), Summer 2016, Publisher: Sabzmanish Literary Society and Roshan Zamir Mehan Cultural and Social Foundation;
14- Sabz Calendar (Independent Poetry Collection), Fall 2017, Publisher: Sabzmanesh Educational, Pedagogical, Literary and Publishing Network;

15- Noor Novel (Biography, Jihad, Masculinity, Generosity and Charity of Hajj Mohammad Sharif (may Allah have mercy on him); Publisher: Rashidin and Sabzmanesh International Foundation;

16- Protection of Cultural Heritage in Afghan Laws and International Documents, Publisher: Zarrin Mehr and Sabzmanesh International Foundation.

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17- Sabzmanesh. Background, Founders and Objectives, Baath and Sabzmanesh Publishing House, 1400, Tehran;

18- Let’s Reread Sympathy (Independent Poem Collection), Zarrin Mehr and Sabzmanesh Publishing House, 1401, Tehran.

19- Houshang. Ebtehaji, Who Has Become a Shadow, Nasredan Shiran and Sabzmanesh, 1401, Tehran;

20- Poetry. Repeated recipe (an independent selection of ghazals), published by Zarin Mehr and Sabzmanesh, 1401, Tehran.

21- Ghazal Kostaran Sabzmanesh (Biographies and examples of poems of fifty honored members of the International Sabzmanesh Foundation), Volume 1, by: Dr. Bassem Allah Sharifi, 1402, publisher: Zarin Mehr and Sabzmanesh, Tehran;

22- Aftab Namreh (Songs and mourning notes of the master of Ravan Shad Wasef Bakhtiri), 1402, publisher: Zarin Mehr and Sabzmanesh, Tehran;

23- Volume 2 of Ghazal Kostaran Sabzmanesh, 1403 Tehran, publisher: Navavaran Sharif and Sabzmanesh Research Publications;

24- Nosourayan Sabzmanesh (Biographies and examples of “new poetry” of sixty honored members of the International Sabzmanesh Foundation), 1403 Iran, publisher: Sharif and Sabzmanesh Research House;
25- “Dubiti Kostaran Sabzmanesh” (Biography and Samples of “Dubiti” of Sixty Members with Honor from the International Sabzmanesh Foundation), 1403 Iran, Publisher: Sharif and Sabzmanesh Research Publications;

26- Biography of the Sabzmanesh Quartet and Samples of “Quarter” of Sixty Members with Honor from the International Sabzmanesh Foundation), 1403 Iran, Publisher: Sharif and Sabzmanesh Research Publications;

27- Mashq Tadaseh (Independent Poetry Selection), 1403 Iran, Publisher: Sharif and Sabzmanesh Research Publications.
Mr. Sharifi has participated in major national and international conferences and has received more than 100 letters of appreciation, badges, statues and shields of appreciation from various sources. The authors (Egyptians, Afghans and Iranians) have edited and published the following three book titles:
1- From the book “Ghazni in the Mirror of Poetry” to the biography and achievements of its author (Bismillah Sharifi), Author: Dr. Asmaa Amin Hassan Farahat, Professor of Persian Language and Literature Department, Faculty of Islamic Studies, Al-Azhar University, Egypt.
Translator: Dr. Sayed Ibrahim Hekmat (President and Professor of Arya Private University);
2- (Biography and Review of the Poems of Bismillah Sharifi); Written by Professor Nadia (Roshangar Anvari), Sarat Publishing House and Sabzmanish International Foundation, 1400;
3- A World of Effort and… (Biography

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